Tokyo Photo Review (TPR) is a blog written by English language students at Sophia University in Tokyo. This site offers an English language review of selected photography exhibits in Tokyo. We aim to help those interested in the current photography scene in Japan, but who do not understand Japanese, have a glimpse into this vast, and vastly unexplored world. While we are not professional reviewers, and English is not our first language, we hope to be of some service.
2011 marks the founding year and class for this blog. As a class, we go by the name: 'BAM! BAM! PHOTO REVIEW!' However we work in groups of three or four, and each group goes by a different name. We hope this will not be too confusing, and that in this way you, the reader, can come to know us as individuals, a class, and in time, a community or collective of classes.
Next year another class will take over and build on the foundations laid here. If you do not find what you are looking for, please visit again in a few months! Beginning in the Fall of 2011 we expect at least four to eight gallery reviews each month. Thank you for your visit and we welcome your comments and feedback.
(Oh, and our teacher has a blog too called The Infrequent Shore )
(Oh, and our teacher has a blog too called The Infrequent Shore )